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How I Lost 75 Pounds Playing Video Games

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The story of how Supernatural VR transformed my weight loss journey!

supernatural vr weight loss

Mamasaur’s Free 30-Day Supernatural VR Trial

I have 5 free 30-day trial passes for Supernatural VR to give away every month. Send me an email to let me know you’d like one, and I’ll set it up!

Cigarettes and Red Bull

I really never, in a million years, thought that I’d be able to use these words to describe myself: I am an athlete. But today, I’m able to type that out with absolute conviction. Before I get to how I used Supernatural VR for weight loss, l should probably explain the state I started in.

I definitely did NOT get here overnight. I’ve spent most of my life in pretty rough shape, mentally, physically; lazily trudging along the whole gamut of UNhealth. Oof, especially when I was actively working as an RN. The stress, burnout, emotional and mental fatigue, not to mention the nighttime schedule, weren’t at all conducive to a healthy lifestyle. At least, I wasn’t able to find a work-life balance.

Quite the opposite. I was chronically depressed, self-destructive, and my diet mainly consisted of frozen meals and QuikTrip runs…as well as about a pack a day habit of smoking Marlboro NXTs (I still dream about them everyday–and I haven’t had a cigarette in probably 4 years, this month). And about the only fuel I had to keep me moving for each shift was a cocktail of Adderall and Absolute Zero Red Bull(s).

Rock Bottom

I had a whole host of mysterious health issues (though, in retrospect, they’re really no mystery). Auto-immune problems, Raynaud’s (where my lips, fingers, and toes would all turn white/blue/purple), skin issues like chronic urticaria (basically, itchiness and hives), and POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome).

My resting heart rate was always pretty high, I’d get dizzy every time I’d stand up, and was chronically fatigued. Beyond that, at 5’2”, I was staying pretty consistently in the 180s+ range for weight.

I definitely had self-worth issues, needless to say, so I had little motivation to truly keep me consistent in any fitness/health endeavor I’d briefly pursue. Eventually, I hit rock bottom (I’ll save the graphic details–at least for this current entry), got myself right with God, and decided to start putting my relationship with Him and my relationship with myself as top priorities.

Surprise, surprise, I met Nathan three days later…

For the sake of brevity, here’s the abridged version…

Pounding some sushi

Recovery and Rebounds

We got married quickly (met February 2019, married in June 2019), got pregnant with Orson the following March (I had already stopped taking Adderall back in December 2019, had been off energy drinks for even longer, and stopped smoking about a week before we left to go get married, don’t worry), retired from nursing in December 2020, when he was born. Short turnaround time, and I was pregnant again in April 2021, with Nova.

Couple important things to note: during the time I was pregnant with Orson, I cut off contact with my toxic AF parents (topic for another time). Surprisingly, this was when the majority of my auto-immune issues went into complete remission. One of the hardest decisions I’ve ever had to make, but hands-down the healthiest I could’ve made for myself and my new family. Second, I retired from nursing! 

But how did I lose 75 lbs playing video games? How did Supernatural VR help with my weight loss? Bear with me, I’m getting to it…

My highest pregnancy weight was 215 lbs, and I. was. a. UNIT. Like, full-on, “Ah Lawd, she comin’ “. I was a friggin’ brick house. I did start to bounce back a little bit after settling in with Orson, in my defense, but then my pregnancy with Nova sent me right back to 215 again. And with her colic and my postpartum hormones, I didn’t immediately jump back in to really trying to lose weight.

supernatural vr weight loss
My first time in VR

Baby Steps

What I did was start walking everyday. It was a small step in the right direction, but a step nonetheless. Beyond that, it was a way that I could change the environment and clear my head a little bit.

Nova was going to scream either way, might as well have some warm sunshine to dry her (and my) tears. And with our Evenflo “Hell-wagon” adapted to fit her car seat (BRILLIANT engineering, Evenflo!!!), it was easy enough to cart both babies around for our neighborhood jaunts. 

I think it’s fair to say that between trying to clean up my diet and walking everyday, I was at least, very slowly but surely, losing a little bit of my “baby weight”. Once Nova was coming up on 2 months old, I had gotten back to baseline of 185 lbs (with a body fat percentage of 45%–Yeesh!). I continued to walk. I continued to eat cleaner.

Small steps, every day.

By mid-July (6 months postpartum), I had achieved a weight of about 170 lbs. That was HUGE, because I was definitely no longer AS huge! But I was ready to kick things into high gear. Nova had finally made it through her colic! I was regaining my sanity, we were getting to close a super difficult chapter, and she was on a somewhat consistent nap schedule.

Now I get to tell you how I lost 75 pounds playing video games!

Enter Supernatural VR for my weight loss journey.

The “Hell-Wagon”

Finding Health and Weight Loss in Supernatural VR

I had made previous attempts using VR fitness-geared games to be consistently active. In fact, I had gotten into utilizing some of the free-to-play workout programs that FitXR offers. I specify “free-to-play” because the workouts I used were from a limited selection of “samples” to get a feel for the program before coughing up for a subscription. I was able to lose a few pounds with FitXR, but for me, it just felt boring and wasn’t worth shelling out for. 

Nathan, who works with VR, told me about this app he had heard about called Supernatural. Popular, frequently updated music tracks, awesome choreography and coaching, as well as incorporating photogrammetry to transport you to gorgeous landscapes all over the world (and beyond–like working out on the surface of the moon). I signed up for their trial and was pretty much instantly hooked. Didn’t even finish the trial before we signed up for a year-long membership.

I don’t even know where to possibly begin on breaking down how awesome this program is; how it’s convenient, cheaper, and WAY more fun than gym memberships; how motivated you feel listening to empowering encouragement from coaches during your workout, who direct you on how to maintain proper form, and bring so much life and energy to the set-lists (though there is a new “Focus Mode” that allows coach-muting if you prefer). There are so many options for what you can do in Supernatural, and it’s updated everyday. 

My Meta Quest 2

Virtual Workouts and Real Results

You can box or do a “flow” type of workout that feels like swinging lightsabers, while mixing in complex movements like lunges and squats, fast feet, leg lifts, and even knee-strikes, all to really fun music that makes you want to move. Is 70s disco your thing? You’ll definitely get sweaty with your Night Fever. Disney musical sets? Hell yeah, I’m here for it.

They feature artist series, too, like whole workouts to The Weeknd, Lady Gaga, Tiesto, etc. They have workouts dedicated to stretching and meditation. Supernatural even has a limited-time, released yearly “May the 4th Be With You” Star Wars workout! 

Point is, there’s something for everyone.

It’s fair to say that I’m a MASSIVE believer in Supernatural. However, to say that playing Supernatural VR is the only method that I’ve used for weight loss wouldn’t be entirely true. Throughout this entire process, I’ve learned that personal wellness and fitness is a multi-faceted, absolutely-NO-quick-fix, holistic LIFESTYLE that you have to commit to, if you want to see true change.

It started with really small steps and gradual changes, and when I was ready to commit, I found the one program that motivated me to stay consistent. Supernatural was it for me. I needed to find something to prove to myself that I could be faithful, push myself harder, dedicate time and effort and energy to truly care for myself. 

Mind and Body

Y’know that thing that happens when you make your bed, and the nicely made bed suddenly makes you realize what a pigsty your bedroom is? Supernatural was that for me, too. I did see pretty fast and furious results starting out with Supernatural VR, weight loss, better mental clarity and emotional health (which was SO important when I was really starting to dive into learning how to be a better, more gentle parent).

But after being consistent with it for months, I didn’t want to stop there!

supernatural vr weight loss
The one downside of losing weight. Nothing fits!

I wanted more. I wanted to push myself harder and further than I previously ever thought possible, because with Supernatural, I’d already been doing that. 

My walking increased to twice a day. I’d fit my Supernatural cardio and meditations in during my babies’ naptime. Gradually, I began incorporating strength and resistance training into my fitness repertoire.

Now? I’ve actually begun to make a smooth transition to focus more on building muscle and prioritizing strength. I spend about 45 minutes in resistance training and only about 20 in Supernatural, four days a week. (Here are links to the weights and bench that I love to use!)

Livable Change

I’m in the BEST shape of my life. I’ve almost hit 135 pounds (and would have without the heavy-eating leading up to Nathan’s birthday–I still indulge from time to time and have built-in weekly treats to count on, like wine and SO MUCH cheesy, buttery popcorn, and we eat out a couple times a month). My body fat percentage is 24.1% currently…down from 45%, and I’m not slowing down!

Guys, I have biceps now. My delts are getting chiseled. You want tickets to this gun show, believe me.

Taking care of my body has transformed my mind, my heart, my parenting. Supernatural helped me kick-start this journey, and it’s helped me stay consistent. It’s helped me to value myself more and to challenge myself in new ways. And it’s turned me into an athlete.

Want to see if it can do the same for you? Reach out to me for a free 30-day guest pass to check out Supernatural VR; see if it works for your weight loss journey. Monthly memberships go for $19/month, but the annual pass is a better deal at $180/year. Check with your insurance, too, because some will actually pay toward health programs like this. 

I’m able to give out 5 guest passes a month, so jump on it and check it out! Supernatural is an app for the Meta Quest VR headset. Upfront investment if you don’t already have the Quest, but I can HIGHLY recommend that as well.

Get Supernatural VR for Your Weight Loss Journey!