Spark your imagination with these inspired Figgy forts and play couch builds that our children love!
NEWS FLASH! We LOVE our Figgy Couch. Okay… So, that’s not really news. My Figgy love has been featured repeatedly on this blog, due to its versatility as an Occupational Therapy supplement and sensory tool. However, I don’t think I’ve sufficiently showcased the imaginative breadth of possibility to be had with a Figgy. Here are some play couch builds to rectify that.
Real quick, though… If you’re new here, just stumbling upon our humble Mamasaur musings…
First of all, welcome! Second of all, if you’re unfamiliar with what a Figgy couch even is, much less why’d I’d be taking the time to preach the virtues of pretend play facilitated by various play couch builds, let me elucidate you.
Here, dear reader, is a link to my Figgy couch write-up.
And, for good measure, my video review for quick context:
Play Couch Builds for Toddler Thrills
Now that you’re caught up on what a Figgy couch is, you’re asking yourself if they’re actually all that. Should you bother shelling out the dough to add a modular toddler couch to your menagerie of toddler toys and tools?
Let me convince you further with a few key features that we adore about our Figgy:
- Beyond impressive, the CertiPUR-US, mattress-like foam is durable and orthopedically supportive. It provides comfort during play, with enough spring and shock absorption to also be safe for crash landings!
- The VELCRO system! It’s insanely strong. Enough so that no matter how rough the play gets, the Figgy forts and couch builds are structurally sound. The competition WISHES it were as strong as Figgy!
- Waterproof liners. Do I really have to elaborate here? With toddlers, potty training, spills and messes, I CANNOT stress enough how vital high-quality fabric options are. The luxurious fabric is beautiful, stain- and spill-proof, eco-friendly, AND free from harmful chemicals.
That’s just for starters! In short, my answer is an emphatic, enthusiastic YASSS.
Or maybe, fingers-crossed, I’ve already convinced you (or you already have one), and you’re just looking for inspired ideas on how to best incorporate your new Figgy couch into imaginative, daily, exploratory, pretend play! Let me take you on a journey of inspiration…
Without further ado, here are TEN of our frequent, simple-to-execute, favorite Figgy builds.
1. The “Floor is Lava” Obstacle Course

This is NUMBER ONE on my list of play couch builds for a reason. Do you even realize how adorable hearing a 2-year-old little girl try to say “obstacle” is? I am very familiar, as I have heard Nova and Orson request their “ahstacle” course frequently since the first time I set it up.
This has been, without a doubt, their utmost favorite of the play couch builds.
Mine too. Especially when I’ve needed time to test new recipes for imminent holiday baking. This imaginative build keeps them occupied, burns their pre-bedtime zoomie energy, and boosts their coordination and proprioception.

For our obstacle course, the first half of it incorporates the Figgy couch itself. I included the Biggy Wedge for added climbing stability, and it worked like a charm. The climbing mountain doubled as a restful cave while each of my toddlers waited to take their turn on the course.

To extend the course, if desired, you can incorporate any number of additions to layer on fun, challenge, and exercise. Personally, I opted to add our toddler trampoline and a pathway of balance stepping stones, ultimately leading to a landing pad of piled pillows. This was a massive hit from start to finish.
Even more so once Nathan finished his workday and transformed… Into a formidable and only ever-so-slightly frightening LAVA MONSTER!!! Hearing their squeals and shrieks of terror AND delight will keep this play couch setup in rotation for a good long while.
2. The Marketplace & Haberdashery

Perhaps more entertaining for the parents than the children, this one is still worth incorporating into the repertoire of play couch builds. We’ve varied the sundries available for purchase at this unassuming little shop. Anything from hats to groceries. Truly a general store…
If you’re setting this up to keep two toddlers (with very different personalities and expectations) entertained, expect to do a little parental riot control. When Nova runs the shop, she samples a little off the top of everything just to make sure it’s decent product. Quality control, y’know? Justified.

When Orson reaches for his wallet to count his construction paper and poker chip currency, though?
Before he can even process what’s happened, she reaches across the counter, grabs his wallet, empties it, and casually tosses it back… And this is before he’s even made his selections.
Someone needs to have a word with her manager.

When Orson runs the shop, on the other hand, he sulks and complains when Nova tries to take the food she’s bought. Overall, great social experiment. Awesome teaching opportunities about economic give-and-take, mutual respect, currency, and…
Oh yeah. Not stealing wallets.
For this build, though not necessary, I like adding in one of their SkipHop Activity Center chairs (review here) for best “checked-out shopkeeper at check out” vibes. I like my builds to feel authentic, and I like to feel like I’m raising creative, little method actors.
3. The Kiddie Kitchen

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. Nathan and I are minimalists. Generally. Aspirationally? I mean, let’s be fair. With toddlers, it’s difficult to always keep things pared down. Christmas is fast approaching, and with the stages that Orson and Nova are at, I find myself frequently in self-conflict.
Pretend toys vs. clutter. Small, multitudinous collections of tiny, plastic/wooden, toddler foods, for instance? Lots of mess that I know is gonna trigger TF out of my OCPD. But it’s good for them, and opens up so many avenues of imaginative, cognitive development.
Okay, I concede. But our space is limited. Don’t tell me I need to think about a clunky, one-trick pony, pretend kitchen!

With the Figgy, I can lay that monster to bed. I’ll compromise. I’ll get the pretend pizzas, and tea sets, and grocery baskets full of nom-noms. And instead of a massive, forever-in-the-way, pretend kitchen, I’ll break out the FIGGY PLAY PANELS!
Guys, these are pricey, yes. But miraculous for my fellow minimalists out there.
You mean I can just store away my toddler’s pretend kitchen? Yes, friend. That is exactly what I mean. And, like the Figgy cushion covers, throw those bad boys in the wash (when your kids inevitably want to eat real food off of them), and you are good to go.
Couldn’t be easier to build a starter kitchen that many studio-apartment renters would drool at the sight of… Pull the kitchen panels over the rectangle cushions for countertops and ovens, and Velcro the fridge panel over one of the larger Figgy seat squares.
Perfection for serving up awesome opportunities for pretend play.
4. Mega Monster Slide

This is an absolute mainstay on our list of play couch builds. The Mega Monster Slide was one of the earliest builds we ever came up with after acquiring our Figgy.
And although you don’t need it to make the overall concept work, adding in the Biggy Wedge is an unbeatable upgrade for structural support. Using either size triangle wedge to prop up two connected seat squares creates a massive ramp and facilitates countless fun activities.
Wanna slide or roll? Go for it!
Want to teach your stuffed animal friends to be brave or how to take turns on slides? Step right up for some useful role-play learning.
How about a physics lesson or two? Roll different balls or toy cars down the ramp and see which goes fastest or furthest!
This build is structurally sound enough to hold me and Nathan on top of it without collapsing. It’s a solid build for scooting down or crawling under, and my kiddos love it!
5. Friggin’ Fun Figgy Fort

I’ll be completely honest and tell you… I was trying to build a boat. As you can see here, it looks nothing like a boat. What it does look like, however, is exactly what I named it: the Friggin’ Fun Figgy Fort!
This fun fortress takes minimal effort to construct. Simply Velcro the Figgy seat squares edge to edge until you can erect it as a wall. Buttress that with a wedge, and your tot’s defense tower is complete. Toss in a rectangle as a little bench seat, so that your littles can take watch shifts.
You can even make it extra cozy and fun by strategically draping some blankets for some Christmastime camouflage!

6. Leavin’ on a Bi-Plane

Next up on our list of favorite play couch builds: our humble, compact bi-plane. Or space shuttle rocket ship. Or other fill-in-the-blank flying vessel. Simple, but effective.
Orson and Nova love this one for daydreaming about adventures. Maybe they’re shooting for the stars during this trip. For the next, a visit to Gramma and Grampa’s Pennsylvania farm is on the itinerary. Let’s not forget, though, to swing over to Florida for a fun-filled Disney trip!

We’ve been fortunate that our toddlers LOVE flying. Everything about it. Seeing airplanes. Being up so high. Having special snacks and toys to keep them entertained. (Perhaps I’ll have to write more about traveling with our toddlers another day…).
Needless to say, bringing the airport or launching pad directly to our living room gets my kids’ imaginations soaring.
Shall we plan our next adventure? Get our Figgy mats out, and let’s go!

7. Movie Night Lounger

Now, when it’s time to wind down and take it slow, you can’t beat a Christmas movie night. We’re to the age this year that the physical comedy showcased in Home Alone is absolutely landing! Hearing their sweet giggles and belly-deep snorts and chortles is DA BEST!
Sure, sometimes if we’re just throwing on a short episode of Mickey or a few minutes of Silly Miss Lily before jumping into our day, the couch is… fine. Adequate. But other times, I like to stand on ceremony and make time for a special movie evening.

Having a special “movie night lounger” marks the occasion with intention. I set them up with pillows and blankets. Support the lounger in the back with the Figgy rectangles and a triangle wedge, and let the good times roll. Don’t forget the snacks!

8. Wrestle Mats/”Jumpers”

Does it feel fair to put a deconstruction on this list of play couch builds? I think so.
For sure, it’s less of a literal build, but it warranted… demanded, even… a place on this list. Orson and Nova frequently demand “WRESTLE MATS!!!” after evening walks, and when I know they’ve still got plentiful, pre-bedtime zoomie energy to expend, I’m only too happy to oblige.
It takes mere moments to set up this toddler Thunderdome. For added safety and stability, especially if you have harder floors, take the minute to Velcro the seat squares together. Just to ensure they don’t slide apart. You don’t want the evening ending in tears… Or concussions.
Then, toss your tots around to your heart’s content. Or, alternatively, save your own energy, and sic ’em on each other with pillows. Whatever gets the job done.

I also submit “Jumpers” for consideration. It’s a product of my toddlers’ invention. They fashioned a crash pad of Figgy mats similar to “Wrestle Mats”, for the sole purpose of cushioning their falls from jumping off of the couch. Whatever gets you your vestibular kicks, kiddos.
Let it be known: the Figgy facilitates creative exploration and sensory development, even involving some healthy, calculated risk.
9. Kiddie Clubhouse

This build is cute and kind of a marvel that it can stand upright at all. Like the Friggin’ Fun Figgy Fort, you start by attaching the seat squares edge to edge. It does require some buttressing to ensure that it doesn’t collapse in on itself. This is an easy enough fix using your couch and/or the wedges like we did.
This is a great, little toddler space that’s versatile and creative. Add some pillows or SkipHop Activity Center chairs for a calming chat space. Turn it into a darling snack café, or let your toddlers use this build to play house. The sky’s the limit with this one.
Just anticipate that this one is a delicate build, occasionally in need of repair, and you’ll be all set for some charming, inspired, Figgy pretend play.
10. Teepee Toddler Slide

This build is definitely one of my personal favorites. It hits the perfect ratio of time to set up vs. time my toddlers spend enjoying it. This gift of play couch builds just keeps giving and giving and giving.
Orson gets super excited for this one. “Mama! It’s a tunnel… And a slide!” Why, yes, it is, son. I’m glad you’re enjoying it. Keep enjoying it while I take a few minutes to get some work done, like the ever-present stack of dishes.
Really, though, Orson and Nova love this set up. It’s not as big of a slide as the Mega Monster Slide, but with the petite climbing ramp, the tunnel, the Biggy Wedge slide, it’s perfect for buying a few minutes of screen-free entertainment if I just have to get a household chore complete.
It takes less time to set up than the Obstacle Course, but it’s just about as satisfying for my toddlers. This build keeps them engaged and coming back for more crawling, more climbing, and more sliding, time and time again.

I’ve Been Building To This…
If you’ve been along for the ride and made it this far, I have one question.
Do you already have a Figgy couch?
If so, I hope you were absolutely inspired by this list of play couch builds! Go have some fun with your kids! Maybe find a way to turn your Figgy couch into a Christmas tree, and tag me in some pictures on IG @the_mamasaur.
If you don’t already have a Figgy couch of your own, I hope that changes soon! In fact, to incentivize changing your life for the better today, I’ve got a $15 off coupon for any Figgy purchase made using my affiliate link and coupon code: FRIGGINFIGGY15.
But Wait. There’s More…
I can personally recommend the Figgy couch, the Biggy Wedge, and the Figgy Play Panels, all of which were pictured in my play couch builds.
We’ve had an absolute blast coming up with this list of fantastic and imaginative play couch builds, and we hope that you and your family enjoy them as well.
If you’d like additional inspiration, feel free to download a FREE digital poster of Figgy play couch builds using this link.
Happy building, and happy holidays! From the Mamasaur family to yours!