Is the modular Figgy Play Couch worth the expensive price tag? Find out here!
Truth be told, I don’t even remember how exactly I first heard about the Figgy Play Couch. Maybe it was from a Facebook or Ten Little advertisement. Maybe I just happened across it browsing Amazon one day. I don’t remember, but it doesn’t matter. As soon as I saw the ad and looked into it, I knew I wanted one for Orson and Nova.
Yikes! Friggin’ Figgies are expensive AF.
But once I have my heart set on something, I see it through to the potentially bitter end. I WANTED the Figgy Play Couch. That being said, Nathan and I are budget-conscious and pretty fiscally responsible. Especially when it comes to factoring in big ticket expenses. Which, at almost $400, we certainly considered the Figgy Couch a “big ticket item”.
Prime Savings

So I saved for months. Nathan and I have Amazon Prime (sign up HERE!) and a Discover card, so we earn cash back on most purchases. I pooled my cash back points and not long after my birthday (gift money, for the win!), I’d saved enough to get this bad boy.
I placed my order July 10th (I waited to see if there would be a Prime Day sale–there was not), and on July 17th, it arrived. By FedEx. I don’t know if anyone else despises FedEx like we do. Maybe it got to us quickly, and that’s awesome. But WOW. The unboxing experience was a complete travesty. I was furious, after spending almost $400, getting this beat-to-hell, blown-up box.
Again, feels more in line with our FedEx experiences, so it’s really neither here nor there. I’m just whining.
After taking a beat, and some DEEP breaths, I unpackaged it, expecting the worst at this point. My pessimism was salved quickly though as I noticed that the couch components were completely intact and carefully vacuum sealed in heavy-duty, protective packaging. Once removed from said packaging, the beautiful, Moonbeam-colored Figgy Couch inflated within about a minute.
Presenting the Figgy Couch

By the time Orson and Nova woke up from their nap, I was chomping at the bit to present it to them. Without hesitation, they instantly climbed up on it and made themselves at home. The rest of the afternoon, I was using the Velcro to bind the base cushions together to make “dinosaur caves” and pillow forts, ramps and slides.
I will say that the Velcro is STRONG. Like, kind-of-a-pain-to-work-with, exceptionally strong. That being said, I get why.
For the more complicated, weight-bearing configurations, the intensely grippy Velcro provides an unparalleled structural integrity that, paired with the high-density foam of the cushions themselves, stands up to an outrageous amount of abuse without so much as a budge. It sets the Figgy Couch apart and is wildly impressive.
I’ve talked to people who own the competition: the Nugget Couch. The consensus is that it just doesn’t hold up to toddler sumo slams in the same way.
Comfort and Versatility

I’ve mentioned to Nathan more than once since getting our Figgy Couch that I wouldn’t even be opposed to replacing our own couch and loveseat with some more Figgy sets. Maybe it’s a tad hyperbolic, but it’s really not such an outrageous thought.
This furniture is minimalist, with sleek, modern lines. The Moonbeam color ties in with our overall monochromatic aesthetic. It. Is. Comfortable. The high-density foam feels orthopedically supportive. It’s firm enough to provide support to tired and achy parent muscles and joints, while still being cushy enough to roughhouse on with your toddlers.
The versatility of the Figgy Couch is unrivaled as well, thanks in part due to that Velcro I mentioned. Orson and Nova’s favorite configurations are tall slides that I construct in front of our sofa. They climb from the sofa up to the Figgy Couch platform, then, BOOTY DOWN, slide to the floor with an enthusiastic “Whee“!
Another favorite mainstay? A lightsaber arena. It also doubles as a squishy dance floor. Or a space where Mama or Papa can sprawl out to be “BOOM”-attacked by pillows. Whatever works to expend that pre-bedtime energy. The Figgy Couch is only limited by your imagination.
Pièce de Résistance

Alternate Subheading for Consideration: “Poopy Slide“.
Spoiler alert. “Poopy slide” is NOT a figure of speech. Unfortunately.
If you’ve read the machine-washable description for the Figgy Couch with skepticism, sure, I hear you. But hear ME. And let it set your mind at ease. We have been serious product testers when it comes to the Figgy Couch.
Machine-washable could mean that it can be washed, but machine washing should be avoided. Machine-washable could mean that you can put it through the washer, but don’t expect it to ever fit quite right again. Maybe it’ll shrink a little, maybe it’ll fray and fall apart.
Well, when you are faced with the dreaded “poopy slide“, you have no alternative but to investigate what Figgy considers “machine-washable”.
Yes, “poopy slide” is precisely what it sounds like…Orson had “baked an odd brownie” in his pull-up. That Pumpkin Bite fiber hit him hard this fateful day. And in one, swift, smooth, BOOTY DOWN movement, he smeared his smooth movement all down his Figgy Couch. My face uncontrollably twisted with horror as I saw the telltale skid-mark. Orson stood up, turned and looked at his soiled artwork, and named his magnum opus “Poopy Slide“.
So, needless to say, I am very familiar with the machine-washability of the microsuede Figgy Couch. And it passes with (occasionally brown) flying colors. The covers slide off easily enough. The care instructions are easy to follow, and once air-dried, the covers hold their shape, aren’t shrunken at all, and slide back on the sturdy cushions with minimal encouragement.
And NO STAINS. As if it NEVER HAPPENED. As an extra precautionary measure, though, I highly recommend this stain remover for any “poopy slides” you may experience.
Added SUPER important feature? Waterproof liners! Need I say more?
Worth It!

If you need further convincing than my “poopy slide” story, the Figgy Couch is USA-made with only high-quality, family-safe materials. No lead, no harmful phthalates, BPA/BPS free, etc. It’s Montessori-inspired, stimulates imagination and movement, and encourages gross motor development.
The Figgy Couch cushion covers can be replaced and/or customized with other colors, and additional pieces can be purchased separately to build onto your base Figgy.
I’ve owned our Figgy Couch for about a month now, and we use it every. single. day. It really is a prime component in so many of our activities and daily playtime, and it actually kind of makes me a little sad that we didn’t get it sooner.
I would absolutely pay every penny that this piece of furniture costs, happily, even without discounts or Prime points, having my experiences with it prove over and over how worth it the Figgy Couch truly is.
The Figgy Play Couch

It easily withstands the weight of two rough-and-rowdy toddlers bouncing on it.
The high-density foam is safe, comfortable, and supportive.
MACHINE WASHABLE covers AND waterproof liners!!!
Versatility. There are so many configurations this couch can be used in. Use your imagination!
The intensely strong Velcro can be difficult to work with.