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The Mamasaur Reviews: Gruene Tea Haus

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Here to share a new review about Gruene Tea Haus brews… Let’s get this par-tea started!

Gruene Tea Haus

We are not tea aficionados. At least, not yet. Nathan and I have recently embraced the calming bliss that is a legitimate cup of loose leaf tea, thanks to our neighbors we’ve started having adult tea parties with. Dar(jee)ling, I know… Yes, okay, I know that’s a stretch, but I’m sure Gruene TEA Haus will appreciate it. Puns are brew-tea-ful.

So are links to get you where you want to go FAST (when you don’t have oolong time). If you want to skip the puns and jump to pros and cons, you can do that here.

Anyway, after years spent drinking basic Celestial Seasonings Sleepytime Tea and storebought Numi, we’ve personally discovered the magic, simplicity, and ceremony found in steeping and sipping loose leaf teas. Shortly thereafter, we heard of Gruene Tea Haus opening in New Braunfels. It sounded like a matcha made in heaven. We had to check it out!

Nice Tea Meet You!

Gruene Tea Haus

Gruene Tea Haus celebrated its grand opening April 27th, conveniently located at 2327 Gruene Lake Dr. in Gruene Lake Village. After what felt like oolong time, Nathan and I were finally able to drop in May 18th. It honestly couldn’t have come at a better time.

May has been slammed. Really, it’s just been a season in general for our family. Nathan and I have been maxed out for a while, but from the moment we stepped in the door of Gruene Tea Haus, we felt the cares and worries begin to slip away.

Between Casey’s warmth and her friendly greeting; the open, airy feng shui of the shop; the meditative music… It felt like walking into a spa. Everything is clean and pristine. It feels grounded and earthy and natural. The attractive charm of the delicate drinkware, teapots, and gongfu tea sets beckons one in to be mindfully present.

Casey Luna, who runs Gruene Tea Haus with her husband Albert, was attentive and prompt, offering suggestions and introductory direction on how to begin our tea experience. A table nearby presented a delightful chance for sensory exploration, displaying 40 different, carefully-curated tea leaves and herbs to smell and touch.

Nathan and I briefly perused the descriptive menu but ultimately allowed our senses to take point. After enjoying several different scents, we decided on a Ginger Peppermint Pu-ehr tea. We also were able to try the featured samples (which rotate daily): Dragonwell tea and a matcha infused brownie.

Steeped in Atmosphere

Gruene Tea Haus

Casey and Albert Luna have built something exceptionally beautiful and inviting. The presence and atmosphere in Gruene Tea Haus, as I mentioned, is calm and low-stim. Time still passes by, but we embraced the ceremony of it all and were able to slow down. To quiet our minds.

For parents, it’s generally hard to get a little time away and not spend every moment talking about your kids. But here, mindfulness and intentionality were facilitated. We didn’t slip into the trap. We enjoyed our time, quiet and together.

It felt like an escape to be cherished. Sip tea. Write. Draw. Put the phone away. Enjoy the natural lighting. Look out a window, and people-watch. Listen to a little water feature bubbling nearby. Slow down, and take it all in. Steep and sip. Listen. Calm yourself. Repeat. Beauty in simplici-tea.

It’s the perfect balance here. While the atmosphere speaks tranquili-tea and quiet, patrons conversing doesn’t feel intrusive here. It feels like communi-tea.

Too many tea puns, you say? Never… Alright, alright. I’ll kettle down now.

While the shop is rich with serenity, Gruene Tea Haus also offers a great place for productivity and study. There is a charming collection of tabletop games available as well, such as Backgammon, Scrabble, and a Chess/Checkers set. Overall, Gruene Tea Haus offers a perfect escape, free from the hustle and bustle, a refuge for peace and focus.

Something that deeply impresses me about this place is how much hands-on work Casey and Albert have put in to make Gruene Tea Haus the tea haven that it is. Staining the tables, installing the bar. Blood, sweat, and tears. A few hammered fingers. All while raising five children together. You can really see their passion for tea come to life.

The Heart of a Teacher

Gruene Tea Haus

I can’t promise that’s the last pun.

What I can promise is that if you’re needing information about tea, Casey and Albert have got you covered. They’re both teachers, and Casey recently retired to devote herself to Gruene Tea Haus full time. Albert has plans to do the same.

The Lunas have used their experience teaching to spread the word about their knowledge and passion for loose leaf teas. Casey and Albert also host a YouTube channel, which you can check out here. And Gruene Tea Haus is even hosting classes for those interested in advancing their knowledge of the beverage as well.

When asked, Casey was all too happy to share her history with tea. How she and Albert both never took to drinking coffee, the cups of Earl Grey she’d drink with her mother, the mindblowing Chai tea she had on a mission trip to India… Gruene Tea Haus is not just filling a niche. It is a dream brought to life by people with a true love for all things tea.

Tea-licious Baked Goods

And I do mean ALL things tea. The Luna love of tea expands past the beverage itself.

So, Gruene Tea Haus boasts 40 different types of tea, with plans to expand the selection to 50 types by the end of the year. Albert has even created his own specialty blends, like the Dark Chocolate Mint tea. Then, there’s the gorgeous collection of English and Chinese tea drinkware, gongfu sets, and teapots.

But, then, there are the tea-infused baked goods.

Whether you like to drink tea or not, these baked goods hit the spot for anyone. In my humble opinion. Currently, Gruene Tea Haus has Earl Grey white chocolate chip cookies, chai muffins, and matcha brownies. And I hear that they’re experimenting with some new flavors.

These are delicious! We ordered the chai muffin and the matcha brownie, savored every morsel, and marveled at how moist the muffin was in particular. Cannot wait to try more in the future!

Sip, Sip, Hooray for Gruene Tea Haus!

So many factors play in to my reviews, and it’s true that they are based on my own subjective experience. I gauge a business’s overall atmosphere, the staff, the service/products offered, and the value/quality vs. price. How does a business present itself? Is it clear what to expect going in? Are my expectations met, unmet, or surpassed?

I’m so pleased that, given all factors and considerations weighed, Gruene Tea Haus is a stellar stand-out. It’s a place that I look forward to patronizing again. The overall experience is unlike anything else in the area, especially for the price.

It’s not often that we find a place in which we want to linger and hang out. Even the places that we do, we haven’t peacefully whittled away the time like we did at Gruene Tea Haus. No rush to leave beyond the pressing responsibilities awaiting us at home. And we felt like we could let it go and take our time all the same.

It was a refreshing, rejuvenating, and balancing tea time at Gruene Tea Haus. One that I hope to partake in again very, very soon.

Order Up: Gruene Tea Haus


Choose your own experience (different teas, different drinkware, different tea sets). Sensory exploration of the available teas, as well as a descriptive menu to help narrow it down. Wide variety of exceptional teas (40 currently offered, with plans to expand), including teas custom-blended by the owner.

Serene, peaceful atmosphere. Perfect for focused productivity or mindful relaxation. Tabletop games like Scrabble and Chess available. Stay in-haus for the tea experience with 20 oz or 40 oz pots available, or get some loose leaf to brew at home (1 oz and 3 oz bags offered).

Creative and delightful tea-infused baked goods (Earl Grey cookies, chai muffins, and matcha brownies…). Incredibly affordable! Our day date, which included a 20 oz tea pot (2 cups of tea a piece) and two baked goods was less than $13!

Christian, family-owned business. Passionate, hospitable, informative tea gurus that delight in sharing their tea knowledge with anyone and everyone! Check out the Gruene Tea Haus YouTube channel here!


About the only con I can muster is that the hours are more limited than I’d like. However, that could change in the future as Gruene Tea Haus finds its footing. Currently open Mon-Sat, 9AM-4:30PM.

Rating: 5 out of 5.