Wishing my not-so-little-anymore baby boy a Happy 3rd Birthday!

I don’t anticipate this being a very long entry. I have so much to get done this week. But I knew I’d be remorsefully remiss if I passed up the opportunity to write my sweet Orson a Happy 3rd Birthday post.
The celebratory marathon has officially commenced. This past Sunday, December 3rd, Orson had a very happy “Dark Side” birthday party. I’ve mentioned in previous posts that I go all out for my kids’ birthdays. Especially being winter babies, I don’t want any of them feeling lost in the shuffle.
A Threenager Rager

So, Orson’s got a thing for villains. Joker from Batman: TAS. Oogie-Boogie from Nightmare Before Christmas… DARTH VADER from STAR WARS. This was the first time Orson was old enough to really verbalize what kind of birthday party he’d be most happy with for his 3rd year of life. After a collaborative brainstorming session, we decided on a Dark Side Star Wars party.
Pretty easy choice, given that he wanted to be Vader for Halloween, and he’d take great delight in pretend “force-choking” all of his family members from time to time.
Anyway, I got the supplies, ordered balloons from my “balloon girl” (seriously–I’ll never order them from anyone else), envisioned the dream of a cake I’d create for him, sent out the invites…

At last, the party weekend arrived. Death Star, Vader, and Stormtrooper cookie baking and decorating. Cleaning. Party prep. And assembling my cake…
I’m so grateful for Nathan. This year, I had fondant fantasies floating around in my head, but the cake was shaping up to be a nightmare. My patient hubby helped turn my fugly monstrosity into a fun Mustafar masterpiece when I would’ve likely just run to a galaxy far, far away.
Every year, I think I may just bite off more than I can reasonably chew. But I wanted Orson to have a very villainously happy 3rd birthday party. And he did!
Orson: Episode III

December 7th (tomorrow, as I’m writing this 12/6) is his official birthday. We’re taking him to his favorite restaurant, Magnolia Pancake Haus, for some chocolate chip pancakes and making a special, traditional birthday dinner of pizza-dough wrapped hot dogs (which also happens to be his Papa’s birthday dinner every year).
Focusing on the details, the events, the productivity is a welcome distraction from dwelling on how fast everything is moving. Orson Kurt is turning 3…
I feel like just yesterday we were celebrating his 2nd birthday (Two the Batcave). Just moments ago, it was his “One with the Force” 1st birthday with his Death Star smash cake. And just before that, bringing him home from the hospital. Long, sleepless nights spent bingeing Star Trek with my newborn son in the crook of my arm.

It’s wild how I can watch this sped-up time lapse of memories in my mind. This blank, little, adorable, precious potato absolutely evolving into the incredible personality he is today. Even just over the course of this past year. There’s such an astronomical leap he’s taken from 2 years old to 3…
Happy 3rd Birthday, Orson

I’ve watched him grow from a sensitive, timid toddler into a bolder, courageous and tough, risk-taking little boy. Orson may be shy around others (at first), but he is constantly trying to ham it up for his family. He thrives on making Nova chortle. He loves creeping up to sneak a kiss or two from Mama.
Everyone he meets, he tells me that they’re his friends. And he’s obsessed with ALL babies.
His memory and retention are insanely impressive. Sure, I’m proud of the fact that he already recites his alphabet, knows all his letter sounds, and counts to 20. But what blows me away is the fact that he’ll talk about seeing a helicopter at the beach for 30 seconds like 2 months ago. Or a craft project we did all the way back in April!

It took him so long to start talking, but once he did, I’ve taken so much delight in our rudimentary ramblings. And how polite he is. And how much he loves to help. How, when I’ve had low, overstimulated, stressful days, when I put my head in my hands to take a breath and say a prayer… This boy stops what he’s doing, runs over, hugs me, whispers “Okay, Mama?”
I love how distinctly different all of our kids’ personalities are. I enjoy them for their individuality. With Orson, I love how, in so many ways, he seems so naturally empathetic and astute. He’s more subdued than Nova, and offers some balance in that way. He’s so studious and meticulous.
What I’m seeing develop from their built-in friendship: she definitely encourages him to loosen up and have more fun and be silly. I see him helping her develop more emotional awareness and empathy. And she wants so much to be just like him.
And Many More…

For as much as he’s grown already, I’m excited to see who he becomes. I’m joyful at the prospect of having many more years with him, to enjoy our Mama-Son relationship, even as I know it’ll all fly by too quickly. I may not enjoy every singular moment with him. He is a toddler, after all. But I enjoy the time while I have it.
I’m gonna keep soaking up all the sweet soprano sentences, the childish clumsiness, the affectionate cuddles. The way he still needs Mama’s kisses on scraped knees (or his stuffed animals at bedtime). I’m soaking up the moments when Orson and Nova are tickling each other or stopping midstride to run to hug one another.
Three comes with trials and tribulations, to be sure. But that’s just one small facet of this age. Orson’s 3rd birthday ushers in a new, happy, and hopeful stage. A new opportunity to get to know the amazing person that he is. The person he is becoming.
A very happy 3rd birthday to my incredible son, Orson Kurt.
Mamasaur loves you.